Reflect & Write To Move Forward

Do you want to feel grounded and clear about your New Year’s intentions and choices?

Here’s a journaling exercise to harvest insight and wisdom from 2024 and clarify your intentions or goals for 2025. 

New Year’s resolutions don’t work because creating an intention or goal from what’s not working, like “I don’t want  ____,” states the negative and begets resistance. 

However, stating a positive intention like “I allow myself to be ________” or “I can ________” affirms positive self-talk and is more life-giving.

I recommend setting aside two hours with your journal and pen for a deep dive into your year-in-review.

You will learn what’s working and what you gained this year, and write your intentions and priorities for 2025.

To start, sit with a cup of tea, your journal, and your 2024 calendar. 

Prepare to be kind to yourself – as kind as your best, most honest friend or teacher. 

Step 1 – Awareness of the Highlights & Lowlights of 2024

Draw a line down the middle of a journal page. Write Highlights on the left and Lowlights on the right. Review your 2024 calendar week by week, month by month.

Under Highlights, list the most meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling people, places, or moments.

Under Lowlights, list the struggles, challenges, or things that didn’t work for you.

Don’t analyze or ruminate. State the facts and findings. 

Step 2 – Reflect on your Insights

When you read your highlights & lowlights, What do you see or learn about yourself that you didn’t see before? 

Make notes of insightful details that are important to you. Write affirmative statements.

Example: I can learn to _______. I can ______. 

Step 3 – What Did You Gain? List what you are grateful for or learned in 2024 

After reading your Highlights, Lowlights, and Insights. Make a list of your top gains for 2024. Write short, affirmative sentences. 

Example: I gained ______. I learned _______. I’m grateful for ________. 

Step 4 – List Wonderful Things To Focus On In 2025 

Given what you learned, what are you excited to focus on in 2025?

What will give you health, happiness, and ease? What do you yearn to do, be, or have? 

Brainstorm and have fun. Don’t try to figure out the “how”.

List what feels true, freeing, and good for you.  

Step 5 – Vision: A Picture You Hold In Mind 

Picture yourself being, having, and doing something from the list. What experience do you intend to have?

See yourself living that goal. You can create a collage or vision board, draw a map, or paint a picture.

You are a woman who _______?

Who might inspire or help you be accountable? 

Step 6 – Name Your Future 

What word or words would you choose to describe your 2025? Write your word:_________. 

And write an affirmative intention.

Example: I am ________. I allow myself to _________. I decide to ___________. I am committed to___________. 

Congratulations! You did it. How do you feel?

This is not pie in the sky. Your vision or goal will take focus and action. You can write it out and tape it to your mirror or desk. 

For 30 days, read your vision and mantra – I am excited to _______.

Feel your growth, direction, and expansion.

Every morning, ask yourself: What’s the next most courageous action or baby step I can take?

Do one small courageous action each day. 

To realize and keep your positive momentum going, join Being Excited About Your Growth & True Self: Morning Meditations & Journaling for Manifestation on Monday and Friday mornings, 7:30-8:30 am EST starting January 6, 2025. 

The circle supports growth and manifesting what’s best for you. 

May 2025 be a creative, healthy, and beautiful year for you!