- authentic growth & self-discovery
- being intentional
- alleviates stress, depression & anxiety
- helps relieve medical symptoms
- releases negative rumination
- improves well-being & emotional intelligence
- being courageous
- being present in the simple joys of everyday life
- defining what you want to manifest
- guided meditations
- intentional writing prompts
- one-on-one assistance when requested
- home practices
- 2/60-minute Zoom recordings for home practice
- Q&A
- a safe community
- silent inquiry
- teachings, & readings from books such as Atomic Habits – James Clear, A Path With Heart – Jack Kornfield, and Radical Acceptance – Tara Brach. The books are not required reading, yet encouraged.
- All are warmly welcome. No meditation or writing experience is necessary.
Session Dates
Sessions are held via Zoom on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to 8:30 AM EST.
Winter Session II:
Week 1: Mar. 3 & 7
Week 2: Mar. 10 & 14
Week 3: Mar. 17 & 21
Week 4: Mar. 24 & 28
Week 5: Mar. 31 & April 4
Week 6: April 7 & 11
Spring Session:
Week 1: April 21 & 25
Week 2: April 28 & May 2
Week 3: May 5 & 9
Week 4: May 12 & 16
Week 5: May 19 & 23
Week 6: May 26 & 30
Summer Session:
Week 1: June 9 & 13
Week 2: June 16 & 20
Week 3: June 23 & 27
Week 4: June 30 & July 4
Week 5: July 7 & 11
Week 6: July 14 & 18
Fall Session I
Week 1: Sept. 22 & 26
Week 2: Sept. 29 & Oct. 3
Week 3: Oct. 6 & 10
Week 4: Oct. 13 & 17
Week 5: Oct. 20 & 24
Week 6: Oct. 27 & 31
Fall Session II:
Week 1: Nov. 10 & 14
Week 2: Nov. 17 & 21
Week 3: Nov. 24 & 28
Week 4: Dec. 1 & 5
Week 5: Dec. 8 & 12
Week 6: Dec. 15 & 19
$375. PayPal/Credit card (includes processing fee)
$365. Venmo or send a personal check