Reflect On Your Week

In Morning Meditation & Journaling we reflect, breathe and write to appreciate our growth, creativity, and discoveries.
Between Friday and Sunday take some time to reflect and acknowledge what you’ve learned, or are integrating into a new living giving habit.
Writing helps us pay closer attention, listen to what we truly need and prioritize ease, and self-care.
1. What are 3 things you appreciated and valued this week that you initiated?
2. What did you gain or learn this week? 
3. What’s one challenge you are working through or now have a new awareness of? 
4. What would you tell a friend with the same challenges?
5. What thought, story or belief doesn’t serve you?
6. What are the opposite thoughts, story or belief that do serve you?
7. How can you practice those thoughts, stories or beliefs daily? Might it be a call to action like asking for help?
8. What are you most grateful for this past week?
7. What are 2 priorities for the upcoming week?
8. Anything else you need to say?
Share this post with someone who might appreciate or need it. We are all in transitions.
The Morning Meditation and Journaling group is a safe space for creativity, being true to yourself and in touch with the joy of living. .
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