The daffodils and snowdrops are blooming in my garden, and I’m titling March Love Yourself Month.

As an empath, intuitive and highly sensitive creative person, I need this as I grow.

Anita Moorajani, author, healer and teacher says, “Love yourself, like your life depends on it, because it does.”

Like nature, we are evolving natural beings and listening to the body, mind and soul is never done. 

Loving what’s growing in yourself – your values, beliefs, and experiences – is a meditation practice that never ends.

  1. stop
  2. reflect 
  3. what love and kindness do you need to give yourself?


–       Self-care (to calmly review your physical, mental, emotional and digital life (try  The Morning Meditation & Journaling course)

–       Organize your closet or schedule

What’s working for you? What’s not? Do you need to develop a new practice or habit?

Consider joining us each Monday and Friday morning, 7:30-8:30am for 

Morning Meditation and Journaling

A mindful practice to:

–       Show up for yourself

–       Value yourself & intuition 

–       Take baby steps for healthy habits 

–       Track your insights, progress, & results with gratitude

–       Be in a wise conversation with a supportive, kind community 

For now, reflect and answer these questions:

  • What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the question, “What do you appreciate and love about yourself?” 
  • What do you need help valuing about yourself?

To begin: Give yourself your full attention to reflect. 

We are in this together. Reflecting regularly supports our confidence, self-compassion and self-love. 

Sign up today.

I’m excited to support your self-care through meditation and writing.

Suggestions for self-study and reading:

A Path With Heart – Jack Kornfield

Atomic Habits – James Clear

The Book of Joy – Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama.


With warmth,

Jennifer Schelter