The Beauty of Reflection & Journal Writing

Manifestation is simple. What’s really important to you?

Where is your energy and focus best directed?

Reflection in a journal helps me integrate good intentions with reality. 

Socratic spritituality and learning means you learn to think for yourself and acknowledge what you are learning. 

Journal writing helps us slow down, pay attention and listen to what is truly important.

1. What are 3 things that brought a smile to your face and you appreciated this week?


2. What are you learning or gaining? 


3. What’s the new opportunity or challenge?


4. What would you tell your best friend with the same opportunity or challenge? 


5. What thought, story or belief might you be out growing?


6. What is the opposite thought, story or belief ?


7. What’s one courageous action you can take?


8. What are you most grateful for this past week?


9. What are 2 or 3 priorities for the upcoming week?


10. Anything else you need to say?


To deepen your awareness, and courage, consider joining the morning meditation, reflection and journal writing group.

We are a friendly group of manifestors, using our awareness to be true to the creative practices, babysteps and joys of living. 

Questions or thoughts?