Present For Beauty :: An Invitation to Follow The Thread of Self-Acceptance & Joy

“Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows,” said poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau.

Nowhere do we breathe as mindfully, let down our guard as easily, or feel a more tender friendship with ourselves and the world as when we allow ourselves to be at home in the body-mind and heart; in the poetry of our senses. Present to the beauty of our life force.

However, we often judge or resist honoring our body and understanding our thoughts and emotions.

But what if they are not the enemy? What if they are our greatest teachers?

Often our inner awareness or conscious spirit beckons or begs us to pay attention and listen to a crossroads, a life change, spiritual awakening or call.

We may enjoy outer success, forms of working out, movement, ways of dressing but loose the thread of listening to the kind peaceful present awareness of our inner life.

Each day I practice (yoga, meditation and writing) to be present to the beauty of awareness. An awareness like the breeze through trees, sunlight over a harbor, a space of infinite peace and acceptance. Pure awareness is abundant, loving, playful, and intuitive.

By practicing being present, I can discover the roots of reactivity and conditioning. The war within: both the amygdala (fight, flight, freeze response) and conditioned responses from childhood, reveal unsettling sensations of resistance, fear, grief, pride and vulnerability.

Instead of reacting or closing down, I can witness and open mindfully to make space for wanting approval, negative emotions, awkward sensations, the grip in my chest, loss, anxiety or stories of unworthiness.

Once we know our triggers or grippy-stuck places, we can choose to release emotions safely, and allow ourselves to state an intention that serves and work for us.

We become clear about our highest aim.

What’s your highest aim this Fall? Do you have a weekly practice to help you trust your intuition, joy and self-acceptance?

Beginning September 20, Jennifer Schelter will explore the practice and these question through a 6-week online Meditation & Journaling practice workshop – Being Present for Beauty :: THE THREAD OF JOY + SELF-ACCEPTANCE – offering simple guided meditations to reconnect us to our senses, natural self-acceptance and joy. The perfect way to begin and end the week with focus, intention, and courageous self-acceptance.

We will draw inspiration and teachings from The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, poetry and teachings of Lester Levinson.

No meditation or journal writing experience necessary. Reading the book is not required, but encouraged. All are warmly welcome.

Through the practice, we’ll discover ways in which the thread of self-awareness and joy is ingrained in our connection to trusting ourself – body, mind and heart, nature, kinship with friends and animals.

I hope you’ll join us as we nurture the beauty of the body-mind-spirit and the many genuine gifts of authenticity and self-awareness.

Feel your body refreshed, your soul renewed, and your heart moved to care for yourself and the natural world.

Please join us for The Beauty of Being Present :: The Threads of Joy and Self-Acceptance

Here is how the practice will work:

  • Beginning Monday, Sept 20 and Friday, Sept 24, continuing for six consecutive weeks you will receive an email with the Zoom link to practice in class with community, designed to expand your awareness and joy.
  • The recording from each class will remain available to you after the practice, so you can revisit them at your leisure.
  • Once signed up, you will receive a confirmation email and 3 days before your link to the class and what to bring.
  • Registration is $240 and will close Sept 19, at 5p.m. ET.

Tips to register:

  • Click the ‘Yes, Please Sign Me Up’ button above.​
  • On the website landing page click ‘ADD TO CART’
  • Click the ‘+’ sign to add 1 registrant.
  • Click the ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’ button ​(​lower right sidebar​)​.
  • Complete billing details and payment options.
  • Click ‘Purchase’​ to complete your registration.
  • You will receive an email with confirmation of payment​.​ ​