In 1990 or so I bought my first meditation book.
I wanted “to feel better” and sensed that if I could just listen to myself more, I’d be happier.
With just a journal and pen (no self-care, spiritual practice or process for inner peace, other than going running and mountain biking), I read a page or two a day and hoped for positive change.

Hoping to be confident, happy, and at peace is not a good strategy. You wouldn’t hire a surgeon who hoped she could preform the operation or a bus driver that hoped he could drive a bus.
I’d like to save you decades of hoping, “trying to figure it out”, and struggle.
Over two decades later, I’ve developed a daily morning spiritual practice for self-care, focus and peace.
After studying and practicing numerous meditation systems, including the basics of Zen, Buddhism, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach and Lester Levinson’s Sedona Method & Release Technique, I’ve developed a friendly approach that helps those interested in cutting to the chase for peace, joy, courage and self-acceptance.
The goal of meditation is to be free. Free to decide:
What state of being do you value most? Peace? Happiness? Joy?
I’ve developed a wholistic, prompting approach to meditation, similar to writing prompts, to identifying what you are thinking and feeling. The process helps us cultivate one the greatest skills: emotional intelligence. And the ability to release the judgement of self. And instead choose loving-kindness and approval.
We come to see our thoughts as the generator of emotion, and emotion as the generator of thoughts. We can come to articulate, picture and write our own inner script. We are the writers of our own chapters in life. We can live the reality of loving-kindness towards ourselves and others.

It’s not perfection.
It’s the drivers license, the inner training we need, to know how to drive our inner awareness, inner attention and how it works.
The beauty of meditation is knowing you can be the person who you truly are. You need not believe the noisy negativity sold by the mind.
You can connect and cultivate the true self: whole, complete and perfect under the sky.
Can you imagine yourself happy, free and peaceful? Yes. We all can. It’s not a matter of talent. It’s a matter of practice.
This is the beauty of meditation.
Questions? Thoughts?
I’d love to hear from you.
Jennifer Schelter