New Year Intention & Goal Setting

Recently a student emailed “…I feel horribly cranky, negative and overwhelmed. I feel untethered. Angry. Maybe sad. I want to create New Year’s intentions that work.

Can you help me focus my intentions and goals?”

Yes. And congratulations. Only 1% of the world ever sets intentions or goals or take the time to write them down. 

In my experience, resolutions don’t work because creating an intention or goal from what’s not working – “I hate my job” –  states the negative and negative begets resistance and keeps it in place. However, when we create a positive intention like “I allow myself to be excited about a new job or career” we have a greater chance of devoting ourselves gently and patiently to discovering the skills needed to manifest and achieve our goal.  

Consider doing a year in review. Study what worked (behaviors, moments, turning points, relationships) and what didn’t. 

This process will take about one or two hours.

Start with: Your 2021 calendar. Read it from month to month.What worked and what didn’t? 

Don’t over think it. Don’t solve or analyze your life. Just follow the following steps and have fun. If regrets or emotion comes up, let it. 

Be kind to yourself. Get comfy with a cup of tea and a journal.

Step #1 – “Highlights & Lowlights of 2021” 

Draw a line down the middle of your page. Write Positive – Highlights on one side and Negative – Lowlights on the other. Take out your 2021 calendar. Scan each week and month. Under Positive – Highlights write the people, places or moments that were particularly fulfilling and meaningful. Under Negative – Lowlights – note your struggles or challenges. Don’t analyze. Lowlights often spark highlights and wisdom. 

Step #2 –  “Wisdom: What I Want To Learn”. 

This is a tip modified from author, Tim Ferris. Read over the negative-lowlights. What did you learn? What self-awareness did it give you? Write a short list of things you need to face or skills you need to learn. Example: “I want to get a new job and will face it. I’m willing to update my resume, be courageous and seek support.”

Step #3 – “What’s Really Matters to Me”. 

Review your Highlights and Lowlights list. What matters the most and was truly meaningful to you and why? 

Example: What’s really matters to me is connection, positivity, and truth telling in community. Why? I feel free.

Step #4 – “The Top Gains of 2021”.

List: What did you gain or learn in 2021? 

Step #5 – “Top 3 Goals That Matter Most in 2022”  

Take 30 seconds to list them. You don’t need to know how you will achieve your goals. Simply state them.

Step #6 – “I Picture Myself” (You are almost there!)

Since our goals manifest as a picture we hold in mind, imagine yourself doing, being and having your goal. Close your eyes. See yourself living your top 3 goals. What do you see? Write out a short visualization of what you see.

Step #7 – “1 or 2 Intentions for 2022”  

Intentions are the way we allow ourself to enjoy our goals. State your goals. And then write an intention. 

Use “I allow….”, “I am ready to…” or “I am committed to….”

Example: My intention is to allow myself to relax and enjoy myself. I allow myself to be confident and at ease. 

Congratulations! As my friend Lu Ann Cahn, author of I Dare Me says, “I dare you.”  

For the next 30 days read your goals and intentions every morning and evening. At night write your highlights. What is working? What are you grateful for? 

Reach out if you need support or a one-on-one coaching. 

May you enjoy much peace and joy in 2022.

Need support keeping the momentum going? Join Meditation & Journaling every Monday and Friday mornings

for a positive start and end to the week.

Or the NEW! Intentions & Goals: New Years Manifestation 4-week course starting

Wednesday, January 19, 7-8:15pm est – Zoom.

A space to stay accountable and connect with like minds committed to manifesting their goals.

Joy onward, 

Jennifer Schelter